Sample training evaluation form
Employee training is important because there are constant changes in the way business is done. Because of this, employees need to be constantly learning new skills or refreshing old ones.
Employees should be encouraged to participate in continuing education whether it is updating computer skills or pursuing a higher education degree. Many organizations offer tuition reimbursement as part of a comprehensive benefit package.
Depending on the size of the organization, providing on-site employee training can be a cost savings. One organization that I worked for had less than 100 employees and provided in-house training for beginner skills in quality, performance management, writing and giving performance appraisals, customer service standards and company specific computer software.
Pro Tip: Gamify learning with lively interaction
It’s not hard to add a jolt of gamification to any training, regardless of the size of your company or your training group. In less than five minutes, you can create multiple-choice quizzes, live word cloud questions, brainstorming activities, and embed all of them in your PowerPoint slides. Participants only need a mobile phone to participate. When you wrap up, use the same software to send out a training evaluation link to everyone. All the data ends up in one easily accessible place, where you can download instant reports to share with your colleagues. Start playing with it today, and see what you can create.
We used in-house experts to teach these classes. This type of training does a couple of things. First, it is used to develop leaders by providing an opportunity for them to think through training curriculum and the practice of presenting and teaching information. Secondly, it saves staff education dollars for higher level training.
Since training is only as good as it is presented and absorbed by employees, it is important to solicit customer feedback on how employees perceived the training and if it added value for them.
An effective training evaluation form will identify strengths in the class, weaknesses in the content and sometimes weaknesses in the training method or presentation. Understanding the weaknesses can help provide the opportunity to improve the class. Helping employees understand the value of customer feedback and providing an environment that is open to coaching and working toward personal development is critical to the success of training evaluations.
Following is a template for a class evaluation form. These are basic questions that can be customized to any in-house training and can be formatted in a word document for a professional presentation.
Pro Tip: Try this training evaluation as a mobile survey
Try these same questions as a mobile training evaluation with Poll Everywhere. Poll Everywhere helps you keep learning interactive with live anonymous questions and word clouds, using mobile phones and PowerPoint. Then, when training ends, you can send a link to your training evaluation, and everyone can respond instantly on their mobile phones.
If you would like a copy of this document to customize for your organization, click here.
If you like to do things electronically, Google docs also has a great FREE tool that can create electronic surveys that you can email to your students. This tool has some great reporting features that you can monitor over time. Check out this video to see how easy it is to use!
Patricia Lotich is a small business performance consultant who helps organizations manage their resources of people, time, and money.
This article is by Patricia Lotich from