How to Make Meetings More Fun, Motivating and Interactive with a Team Huddle

How to Make Meetings More Fun, Motivating and Interactive with a Team Huddle
Have a motivational

Have you ever noticed that at the beginning of each football game the players and the coach put their heads together and have a motivational huddle, bringing solidarity to the group and a positive kick off to the game? This happens in hockey, football, soccer and almost every game played.

Most times they form a circle, giving the message that we are all in this together. Other times it takes place in a locker room and resembles a classroom style. That is when the captain needs to separate from the group and be a bit more directive, especially if they are experiencing a crisis.

The reasons sport teams huddle are to strategize, share, prioritize, motivate, celebrate, and to recognize selected members. It is usually led by the team captain, or in football by the quarterback. Doesn’t that sound like something that might also work for your organization?

Pro Tip: Start with a team-building icebreaker

Get everyone started on an encouraging note with a live icebreaker poll. Just create a question in your Poll Everywhere account, like “Who helped you the most yesterday?” Then display the question in PowerPoint As team members respond, using mobile phones, your Poll Slide will automatically display all their responses live. It’s a fun, affirming kickoff for a successful day.

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The objective of a huddle is to improve internal communications. Morning huddles should happen at the start of every work day and should last no more the 10 to 15 minutes (maximum). Some companies with whom I have worked start them at odd times, like 8:43 or 7:17am.

I’m a big fan of team huddles where you bring everyone on your team together (face-to-face and/or virtually) to quickly touch base. When I started my career at IBM, every morning at a designated time, we would hear a business update by the President, or the department manager.

Then every employee would shout out one important thing they are going to accomplish that day. But remember, this is not their day’s to-do list – that is different. Finally, (yup sounds silly) we would stand beside our desks and sing the company song, ending by wishing each other a successful day.

Today many (successful) corporations still do them. These include; Lowes (who also does a company chant), Google, Microsoft, etc.

At our local transit company, Mike Cassidy meets with all drivers around 6:00 am. They share road stories from yesterday, events from today’s Guardian, and what they might expect on the roads that day.

At the Delta Prince Edward, each department has their own 10-15 minute team session facilitated by the manager. Afterwards the GM, James Tingley, conducts one with the leadership team.

For managers, here are some tips that will ensure a successful start to the day:

  • Be an example: Arrive at least 10 minutes earlier.
  • Be prepared: Make notes from the previous session and review your observations.
  • Be punctual: Start at the designated time regardless of who might be missing.
  • Stand up: This is not nap time. At a Microsoft office where I worked actually had no chairs in any of their meeting rooms.
  • Be encouraging: Have members rotate responsibility for bringing thoughts for the day.
  • Be productive: Charts, schedules, accounts and business numbers must be prepared and reviewed on a daily basis, prior to the huddle.
  • Be fair: Everyone gets an opportunity to speak.
  • Be diligent: Start and finish on time.

In general, most company meetings suck. So, instead of eliminating them, make them fun, interactive, and relevant. Try it, you will be strengthening the team culture and staff will leave more inspired. If huddles didn’t work, why would most successful sports team engage in them?

My question for managers this week: “Are you behaving like the quarterback of an engaged team, or a dictator who barks orders to get compliance when sending people off to have a productive day?”

Make every meeting fun, interactive, and relevant

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Joseph Sherren

Joseph Sherren

Joseph Sherren, CSP, HoF, CSPGlobal, the dynamic president of Ethos Enterprises Inc., and the Gateway Leadership Inc. Joseph Sherren is a professional speaker, corporate trainer and international business transformatiion specialist. As a certified facilitator in advanced assessment tools, Joseph assists people in determining their thinking styles, personality preferences and management effectiveness.

This article is by Joseph Sherren from